1 min readJan 16, 2020
I just finished building a first PyPi application. There is a lot to these issues that is glossed over. I spent 2 hours dealing with import . version related issues and opted for another method. I learned most of these pitfalls in the last few weeks.
Something to add (and if you like collaboration, please let me know)
- IDE setup (IntelliJ or Eclipse / both): Plugins and configurations needed.
- Dealing with __version__ and other __ variables.
- Accounts needed for package: Github, ReadtheDocs, TravisCI, PyPi, Test.PyPi, Possibly Docker
- Needs to edit .rst and Markdown (MacDown is useful and free)
- Building Test Cases so that CI/CD works.
- Integrating Docker Hub and Docker Builds.
- Style Guides and CLI requirements
- This builds the entire structure for a python project and is very useful: https://github.com/toptive/generator-toptive-python
- GitHub, Git and GitDesktop integrations.
- Initial setup of build environments.
- Setup.py to create run-time scripts.
- Workflow to release and increment version numbers (Bumpversion)
- Use if UML and .DOT diagrams
- Documentation builds and explanations.
- Setup.py and required “Tags”
- Badges for github, travis and etc.( https://img.shields.io)